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1. Prior to sending the complete manuscript, send a detailed proposal describing the scope, content, length, and the primary as well as secondary markets for the book. If the book has the potential for derivative products such as AV materials, CD-ROMs, workbooks, manuals or other sidelines, how this may be accomplished should be described in the proposal.
2. Include all available information regarding the competition for the book, i.e., other similar works currently on the market and aspects of this work that set it apart.
3. Include a chapter-by-chapter outline, including the back matter such as appendices, bibliographies and the like. If there are illustrations, describe their nature and extent. Also indicate who might be willing to read the work and provide Forewords and/or endorsements.
4. Include a resume with special emphasis on prior publications, if any. If possible, the sales data of prior publications should also be included.
5. Direct the material to the Editor-in-Chief. The material cannot be returned and will be acknowledged only if we are further interested.
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