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The Incarnation of the Spirit

by Mary Scott


Mary Scott explains the phenomenon of multiple bodies not in supernatural terms, but in concrete terms that modern science can appreciate. She uses Eastern mysticism to show a fuller, richer way to live a healthy life. New human dignity comes with realization that everyone possesses three bodies plus a subliminal self. This ignored higher voice within each one of us often is interpreted as the voice of God, angels, or departed spirits.

 Mary Scott has served as clinical psychologist, nurse, university instructor, and lecturer. She earned degrees in philosophy, psychology, and social studies after a brief early career in nursing. She was rewarded an Oliver Lodge Research Grant by the College of Psychic Studies in London, which prompted her to write Science and Subtle Bodies, followed by the critically acclaimed Kundalini in the Physical World (updated and reissued as The Kundalini Concept: Its Origin and Value, Jain Publishing Company, 2006).

180 pp., Bibliography, Index
ISBN: 978-0-87573-093-6
$25 - Softcover
$20 - eBook (Order from Google Play, Apple Books or Kobo)

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