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The Heart of Confucius
by Archie J. Bahm

"This attractive little book tells what all Western readers should know about Confucius and why his teachings are important. They are the teachings that have influenced Chinese life for two and a half millenniums and expressed universal human ideals that have helped to shape civilization. Archie Bahm, professor of philosophy at the University of New Mexico and the author of The World's Living Religions as well as other books, has extracted the major important books attributed, directly or indirectly, to Confucius: Chung Yung (Genuine Living) and Ta Hsueh (Great Wisdom). Professor Bahm presents these teachings in a lively, accessible prose, which is embellished with 16th century woodblock prints from a life of Confucius." New York Times.

160 pp., illustrations
ISBN: 978-0-87573-021-9
$20 - Softcover
$16 - eBook (
Order from Google Play, Apple Books or Kobo)

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