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Jainism and Early Buddhism

Edited by Olle Qvarnstrom


A collection of papers presented at an international conference on Jainism and early Buddhism in honor of Prof. Padmanabh S. Jaini, organized and hosted by the Department of History of Religions at the University of Lund, Sweden in 1998. Prof. Jaini was a professor emeritus of Buddhist Studies at University of California, Berkeley, California, USA and one of the foremost contemporary scholars of Buddhism and Jainism. The two part festschrift contains papers presented by thirty seven prominent scholars, covering a wide range of topics in both religions.

720 pp., 40 B&W illustrations and notes.
ISBN: 978-0-89581-956-7
$100 - Hardcover
$80 - eBook (
Order from Google Play, Apple Books or Kobo)

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