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Mahayanavimsaka of Nagarjuna and The Trisvabhavanirdesa of Vasubandhu
Edited by Vidhusekhara Bhattacharya and Sujitkumar Mukhopadhyaya

The Mahayanavimsaka is a brief work attributed to Nagarjuna that summarizes the Madhyamaka or "Middle Way" philosophy in only twenty verses. The Trisvabhavanirdesa of Vasubandhu similarly summarizes the fundamental Yogacara teaching of the "three natures" of all things in only thirty-eight verses. They are among the most concise formulations known of the two great Mahayana schools. These hard-to-find texts are here brought together for the first time, forming a compact and authoritative sourcebook of the two most influential Buddhist philosophies, Madhyamaka and Yogacara. Included are the Sanskrit and Tibetan texts.

(Compiled Reprint Edition)
pp.,126, Notes, Sanskrit and Tibetan Index.

ISBN: 978-0-89581-995-6
$30 - Softcover
$24 - eBook (Order from Google Play)

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