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Korean Theatre: From Rituals to the Avant-Garde

by Oh-Kon Cho


"Korean Theatre: From Rituals to the Avant-Garde is the most comprehensive book on Korean theatre which covers from ancient rituals to the modern theatre. It is an essential book for anyone who is interested in theatre or Korean theatre . . . The research that went in to make this book possible can only be described as phenomenal."

Alyssa Kim, Ph.D.
Hankuk University of Foreign Studies

"The book has a clear, understandable organization. Professor Cho’s prose is succinct, readable, and void of fashionable academic jargon. I find the chapter beginning-historical context very useful, most especially those surrounding and shaping Korean theatre since the ‘50s. The early chapters on masked-dance plays and puppet theatre provide important information about Korean culture and the later chapters on MadanggÅ­k and North Korean proletarian drama shed light on area little known or understood by Western students of Korea.

This book promises to be a singular contribution to English-language materials on Korean theatre, one written by a scholar with an encyclopedic knowledge of his subject."

Richard Nichols, Ph.D.
Emeritus Professor of Theatre
Pennsylvania State University

344 pp., notes, bibliography and index
ISBN: 978-0-89581-842-3
$40 - Softcover
$32.00 - eBook (Order from Google Play)

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